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Short stories

Three Wishes to Save the World

A magic lamp, a genie, a young person studying oceanography - and why it's hard to just wish for the end of climate change. Cast of Wonders, September 2024.


Shooting Stars

A piece of flash fiction about reaching for the stars. Worlds of Possibility, August 2024.


The Ones Who Walk Towards Omeshraz

An attempt to join the conversation on utopias, answering 'The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas' by Ursula Le Guin and 'The Ones Who Stay and Fight' by N. K. Jemisin. Infinite Worlds, June 2024.


The Commute of the Valkyries

A short story about feminism, monsters, boring office jobs, and how the afterlife differs for men and women. May include teeth. Shoreline of Infinity, March 2024.


Two Siblings, Seven Fish

To celebrate Nowruz, a short story about family and cultural heritage, with a blend of the autobiographical and the fantastical. PodCastle, March 2022.


Birds Without Wings

Short story about hitch-hiking, being in love, and shapeshifting. The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June 2020.


It Never Snows in Snowtown

Short story. A guided tour around the cupcake-sweet city of Snowtown reveals what the pale snow covers. An allegory about what we sacrifice and its cost. The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Nov/Dec 2019.



Belle-de-Nuit 2: Point du Jour

The sequel to Belle-de-Nuit, with new loves, new challenges, and the same amount of swashbuckling! Heart's Choice, November 2022.



An interactive novel about a duellist in 17th-century Paris, fighting for the honour of the ladies of the night working in a luxury brothel. A feminist, sex-positive view on sex-work, awash with swordfights and witty one-liners. Heart's Choice, June 2021.


Never Date Werewolves

An interactive novel about a single mother tyring to deal with a litter of kids whilst finding true love. As cheesy and heartwarming as it sounds! Heart's Choice, April 2020.


Plays (in French)

Crève charogne!

Theatre play. When the characters start hearing the stage directions, a wacky fight against the fourth wall ensues. First performance at the Boulangerie du Prado, Lyon.


Sans nom et sans histoire

Theatre play. A man with no story and no name. Two terrorists with an agenda and something to prove. A daughter who refuses to be dirtied. When ideals and lives collide. First performance at the Espace 44, Lyon.



Even more other

A Winter Night in Iceland

Oral storytelling. A retelling of Icelandic myths and legends, as well as a few original poetry pieces. Youtube, 2018.


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© 2020 by Rebecca Zahabi

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